Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I will be Finally Writing When...

I will be Finally Writing when I have the externals right.  The pen must be a Precise V5 extra fine and I need a box of them available before I can begin.   The desk must be the correct height and the chair comfortable but not too comfortable.  There has to be a window and the window has to have a view of nature, but it can’t be a view of things I need to do.  I need coffee.  I need to weigh the right amount. I may need a facelift.  I need to have everyone in my life busy and happy, not too close but not too far away.  I need to know what I’m going to write before I begin writing  and to know that it will be not just good but great.  I concede it may take several drafts to get there.  I am realistic, you know.
I need to be free of any anxiety about how to get this great piece published.  I just need to be assured that it will happen without my having to do anything.  I need to know that what I say will be original and  profound.  I won’t need a facelift before I’m Finally Writing.  That’s ridiculous.

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